Understanding God's Wisdom So to Not Act Like a Fool with Opinions Not Based in Truth!


Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.

~Proverbs 18:2

I saw this Bible verse today and it resonated with me. So many people today are filled with opinions of their own, but nothing is based in God or the Bible. Like it says above, so many fools find pleasure in spouting their opinions, but not in real understanding or knowing God and following and heeding His will be done in our lives. We need to have God in our lives. To obey Him and to follow the teachings of Jesus. To be people of goodwill. Not just spout opinions, but know and love God, to serve Him on this journey, on this Earth School, to really understand Him and His truth. We need to work to understand. Not to just spout opinions! 
