Do God's Will, Nonresistance to Things of This World, We Have the Eternal Life Forever with Jesus in Heaven!
The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.
~1 John 2:17
I really like this Bible verse. It is a good reminder for all of us. To abide in God. Obey Him. Following Him and the teachings of Jesus. It is important not to be consumed by this world, things of this Earth School. We need to learn to do the will of God. To be nonresistant to things of this world, not let things bother us knowing and trusting in the Lord alone that He will take care of everything. We need to accept His will be done. So many today, try to live without God. They focus on money, wealth, material things, and in the process do a lot of corrupt and fraudulent things, cheating, stealing, lying, scheming, doing so many things to obtain goods from this world, how can all these millions really help them, they hurt their families and their reputations, they do so much bad never thinking how it will hurt them and prevent them from getting into Heaven. Never thinking about an eternal future with Jesus in Heaven. We need to pray, to trust in the Lord, to accept His will be done, be people of goodwill, and follow Jesus! Our number one priority should be to get into Heaven to spend eternity with Jesus, that is all that really matters, this world will pass, people and material good, evil, wickedness, it is all part of the process, people have to learn not to be slaves for Satan, nonresistance to it all, follow God alone, do His will, and know where your future lies with God in Heaven!
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