God and His Wisdom Should be Our Merchandise we Seek in Life, Material Wealth, Gold, Silver Do Not Bring Real Success!
The merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver.
~Proverbs 3:14
Wisdom is more important than money, silver, gold, material goods! Many people today forget this. So many are driven by wealth, not God. They put material goods and that success over their faith and God. We are reminded of this in Proverbs. Unfortunately, today society lacks God and puts money, success, and material wealth over wisdom and God.
The Mornings With God App today said, "There is something that gives better returns than silver or gold in the world’s markets. It is better to be wise than to be rich. A proper use of wisdom yields larger and better gains than the best use of money. Wisdom increases continually in the life of him who possesses it. Take the wisdom of trusting God, and how experience enlarges it! The timid faith of today becomes the heroic confidence of tomorrow. Or take the wisdom of loving others. Only begin it and practice it, and your heart will expand and your hand will acquire new skill in ministering. Many a young person with only a commonplace life, by simple beginning in a small way to help others and do good, has at length attained a measure of helpfulness that is simply amazing. A sailor boy brought home to his mother a little flower from some foreign land, and all the fuchsias in England are the harvest from that little kindness."
What is more important? Money or God? God and love are really more important. Today our world lacks a lot of love. We see so much hate today. So much indifference and one-sidedness in all today, a lot of polarization and politics. Most all lack God and love unfortunately. We see a lot of the powers that be complicit in dividing and pushing the hate and dissension. It is sad to see. We need a lot of prayer in this world. Thanks goodness it is the year of prayer, we all need to pray more to seek more wisdom from God, put Him first, not gold and silver. Know that true wealth and peace comes from God, not money and material things. Go to the beach or a walk in the forest, listen to God, seek His wisdom, be at peace and this wealth that God offers as merchandise for us!
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love