Love in Action is What Matters to God!


Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted 
to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

~Romans 12:9-10

We need to live with love in action in our hearts and lives. So many today are so indifferent. They could care less and show no interest or care about anything. Sometimes if you show interest, talk, speak kind words, and they grumble or look or walk away. This has happened to me a lot since I was young and curious showing interest in people or being kind. Some people just do not want it. How can a priest be so indifferent? We have even seen some priests and clergy like this, and they are supposed to be models for Jesus. The Bible gives us many great examples and reminders of how we are supposed to live. One of the greatest is Jesus. He is our example of who to follow and be like while we live on this Earth School. Our best example. Even many clergy do not follow this or Him. Many care more about making money and becoming rich, or judging and being indifferent against some in their church. It is sad. God wants all of us as humans to follow Jesus and be like Him. He is our main example. He wants us to live with love in action! Today we need to follow God, good, and devote to love for one another. We need to stay away from evil and wickedness, not become slaves for Satan, but servants for God living like Jesus did as our example. Living a life of indifferences is not love, it promotes hate, even Bishop Fulton Sheen talks about this. Indifference is just as bad as hate.  It really is all about love, which includes grace, mercy, forgiveness, and hope and faith in Him. Be love in action!

