Obviously Many People Today are Not Following God, I Want to Follow God, to Be a Doorkeeper for Him, Not be Around the Wicked!
~Psalm 84:10
As an adult and starting from a young child, perhaps it was my mother, but I do not like people who swear or use a lot of foul language. I stay away from that. I am not crazy about being around drunks, druggies, anyone who does not take responsibility for their state of mind and well being. I know good from bad and want to be in the courts of God preferably, than around any wicked at all. I want to go to Heaven and spend eternity with Jesus. Today we see so many who have become slaves for Satan. They sin like there is no tomorrow. We see a lot of wicked in our own government from our elected, so called leaders, and powers that be. We see so much greedy, corruption, fraud, lies, deception, self-serving ways. It is sad to see, this is all sin and wicked. Why do so many want to follow the wicked ways instead of God's ways? Is it just easier I guess? How sad. Many cannot even go to church one hour a week. Many cannot return a call, text, or email. So many today are so hateful, negative, deranged, and seem like slaves for Satan following the bad. Which is sad. We all have choices in life. We can work to like a righteous life and try not to sin and live with God in our hearts and minds, or we can be wicked and live without God become a slave for Satan. I would rather the former for me. I want to spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven!
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