Persevering to Do Good to Reap the Harvest from God!


Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time 
we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

~Galatians 6:9

We are all called to be disciples for God! To do good and bring God's lost to Him if we can. We all need to persevere and do good, so we can reap the harvest from God, Heaven to spend eternity with Jesus. We can decide to do good and be good, or not, we reap good or bad, based on how we live our lives. God wants all of us to reap the reward of Heaven to spend eternity with Him. We all have this choice, we can go in one direction or the other. We live in a world, country, society now that most elected, so called leaders, and powers that be are corrupted and have become slaves for Satan and follow him doing bad, not God. It is sad to see. We must persevere in doing good to reap the harvest from God, Heaven with Jesus! That is all that really matters in life. I am blessed my parents raised me the way they did to know Jesus and want to follow Him! 
