Thirsting for Jesus, Following His Example, Making Heaven My Number One Priority this New Year and Three Kings Day!


Because thou... hast not asked for thyself long life; neither hast asked 
for riches for thyself, nor hast asked the life of thine enemies. 

- 1 Kings 3:11

Thirsting for Jesus Christ this Epiphany, that is what is most important. Not money, gold, diamonds, jewels, or material things. It is nice to have a long life and good health, all of this is important for many. A blessing from God. However, we are called by God, it is all His plan and purpose, not ours. We must turn it all over to Him! Like with Jesus, He accepted the will of God. He only lived about 33 years, but He did so much for humanity, He died for our sins, an innocent man, the King of the Universe, God with Us, our Emmanuel, people were hateful, envious, jealous, scared of Him, so they had Him killed. He never cared about money, gold, jewels, or material things. He only was given to us as an example from God on how to live, who to follow. He wants us to love and serve too, get disciples for Him, like He did. 

My Mornings With God App had a nice write-up today and said, "It is interesting to notice the things God was pleased that Solomon had not chosen. Long life is not the most desirable thing among God’s gifts. The completest life ever lived on this earth was only three and thirty years in length. Riches was another thing Solomon had not chosen. No doubt, if the choice were offered, many would choose money before all things else. There is a Russian legend of one who entered a diamond–mine in search of riches. He filled his pockets with gems, and then, as he went on, threw them away to make room for the larger gems he found. At length he became thirsty, but there was no water. He heard the flow of rivers, but when he came to them they were rivers of gems. At what seemed the sound of a waterfall, he hastened forward, only to find a cascade of diamonds. With all this wealth round him, he was dying of thirst."

So many people today, die seeking material goods, money, jewels, diamonds, they follow that and becomes slaves to it and material goods, not God. We need to follow Jesus only! Be thirsty for Him and make our number one priority to get into Heaven to spend eternity with Jesus there! Today is my spouse's birthday too. Happy birthday my kings! 
