This Bible Verse Should be Proof for Anyone to Believe and Follow Jesus like the Three Kings Did!

Who indeed is the victor over the world
but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
This is the one who came through water and Blood, Jesus Christ,
not by water alone, but by water and Blood.
The Spirit is the one who testifies,
and the Spirit is truth.
So there are three that testify,
the Spirit, the water, and the Blood,
and the three are of one accord.
If we accept human testimony,
the testimony of God is surely greater.
Now the testimony of God is this,
that he has testified on behalf of his Son.
Whoever believes in the Son of God
has this testimony within himself.
Whoever does not believe God has made him a liar
by not believing the testimony God has given about his Son.
And this is the testimony:
God gave us eternal life,
and this life is in his Son.
Whoever possesses the Son has life;
whoever does not possess the Son of God does not have life.
I write these things to you so that you may know
that you have eternal life,
you who believe in the name of the Son of God.

~1 John 5:5-13

Today is January 6th, the Epiphany of the Lord!  When Jesus was honored by the three kings, the three wise men who knew that Jesus was the Messiah, the King of the Universe, the Savior of the world! This Bible verse in John is really pronounced.  What more do people need to believe? To turn to Jesus? To follow Him? So profound! What more do people need? Today when we go to church, I want to receive the body, blood, and Spirit of the Lord through communion. So many today do not want to follow God. They do not want you to talk about Jesus, God, your faith or the devil. It is sad to see, they would prefer to be slaves of the devil and sin and follow Satan instead of God! We must believe and accept the testimony of God! God gave us eternal life through Jesus Christ. All we need to do is follow Him! He was given to us as an example of how to live on this Earth School, we must employ His ways as we journey in this life! The three wise men knew this 2000 years ago, it is written here in John, what else do we need to know to believe? On this last day, the 12th day of Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the reason for Him. Following Him is all that matters in this Life! 
