We all Need to Learn the Art of Pleasant Speech, Our World Needs a Culture of Heart!
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
~Proverbs 25:11
We need to speak with love. Talk sweetly, not being bitter and of little taste. We have maybe all heard this before. We do not want our words to hurt others and sound bitter, but sweet. Today we see a lot of hate in our society. Hate toward certain people or political views. It is sad to see all the hate. Hateful words are bad and can even some say cause cancers and illnesses. Too, many people say things, but never carry through with what they say. This happens a lot I see, people tell me things, but never do what they say. There are a lot of empty promises in words too. Some while they mean well, speak in a very harsh, blunt, and frank manner, it can be hurtful and come across as insensitive too, we need to be careful how we speak. Always try to speak with love! Always speak with thanks, showing manners and education, by thanking others and showing proper manners.
My Mornings With God App was really good today, it said, "It is well to form the habit of saying kindly things. Sincere words of commendation help all true men and women to live more worthily and to achieve better things. They should be spoken, too, while people live. Kind words come too late when they are held back till death has closed the ears and chilled the heart, when words cannot avail to comfort or help. Too many people speak the wrong words, too – words that hurt, that fall on sensitive feelings like frost on the flowers. They thoughtlessly allude to matters which are of painful interest. They stir up sad or bitter memories in those who are trying to forget them. They lack the tact which always turns conversation into pleasant channels. We should all learn the art of pleasant speech. It is not a matter of elocution or grammar – it is a matter of heart culture. Love must be the inspirer, and there must be the grace of thoughtfulness in word and tone."
Words and speaking, need to be done with love. Like my post yesterday about thinking for yourself, you need to stay positive and loving, keep the thinking free from hate. We need to stay away from hate or indifference. We need to speak life! Speak love! Speak hope! It is so critical that we all learn the art of pleasant speech, we need to foster a culture of heart, love, and Jesus!
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