We Need to Speak the Truth with Love! We Need to Learn How to Really Love!

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

~1 John 3:18

I really like all these quotes about love! Especially the one above from John.  We can all say we love each other, or say we love our neighbors or brothers and sisters, but we really don't often times. Actions speak louder than words. Actions speak the real truth. We have had a priest who loves to speak so eloquently about all of this and say all the right things, but then he ignores us or others and does not at all practice what he preaches. Nothing Jesus would do or any other priest we had ever known before. I agree, it is all about love! Jesus came into this world as a baby, a poor baby, God brought Him here to be God with us, as an example of how we should live on this Earth School. His main thesis is love! Love your neighbor as yourself he said. Jesus spoke the truth and His actions proved it. Many people today can spew a lot about love or act as if they really care about others, but then their actions never really prove true unfortunately. When we cheat, steal, lie, commit fraud, are corrupt, greedy, self-serving, and mediocre in our work, that is not love either. We are called to serve with love and do the upright things as people of goodwill. Our actions are a big part of the love and truth we portend to spout and spew. It really is all about love, Jesus is love, He wants us to love one another. To show it in actions, words, and deeds. It seems to be a very hard thing to do. Some have done a great job, like some saints, St. Mother Teresa, St. Francis, and St. John of the Cross are some great examples. While most humans will disappoint, we all need to strive to love more, to forgive, to show mercy and grace like God, and be people of goodwill the best we can, love through words, actions, and deeds. Truth is love! 

