Being Alert and of a Sober Mind so that I May Pray at all Times! Not Letting People, Work, or Things of This World to Pull Me Away from Prayer!


The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.

~1 Peter 4:7

I saw this Bible verse tonight! I agree, we need to stay in constant prayer at all times and of a sober mind. So many today are all drugged up or drunk, high, baked or whatever, they are so devoid of God and put drugs over God. It is sad. Too, I am now more convinced that we have to put God first. Even with our work and colleagues. God and Jesus are more important. I choose to attend church or Ash Wednesday service over going to a three hour work meeting that can be handled with my notes, input, and feedback, not a bunch of people with egos rehashing something. God has to be put first always. We need to stay near to Him! We need to be alert and sober, be in constant prayer with God. Living with the Holy Spirit within at all times! We are living in fragile and hateful times. Times where many are full of ego, hate, rage, greed, envy, jealousy, always trying to get back at people, being vengeful or mocking, and hateful to get back at someone. It is sad to see, some never want to honor another person's view on their religion or providing accommodations for them, being exclusive, not allowing for diversity or equity. There is a lot of hypocrisy today. So many say they are Christian or for Jesus, yet, have so much hate in them. But they forget Jesus is love, not hate. They have a hard time removing themselves from this worldly material Earth, that there is something greater, God. I have decided not to feel guilty or have shame in my God, or believing and praying to Jesus and following Him and putting Him first! And if I cannot work or go to a meeting or do that because I want to go to church and pray and be with God, I am going to choose God instead. My soul needs God, not things of this world, not titles, more money, raises, promotions, I want God in my life and to spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven. Jesus and Heaven are my number one priority. I want to stay in prayer and if things are going to remove me from prayer like work, then I choose to pray nonetheless! Prayer and Jesus are very important to me! 
