Blessed with the Best of Both Worlds!


I am very blessed! Blessed with the best of both worlds. I have a wonderful beach so close to me and I can visit it daily and so do enjoy that! I also have a wonderful lake, pond, and some woods with trails I can walk around and enjoy the tall pine trees and foliage and waters here. I love it all! I really am blessed with the best of both worlds. I love seeing all the wildlife in both locations. I love the sandpipers at the beach and the hawks, owls, turtles, and rabbits where I live close to my house. It is nice to go on walks by the lake, it brings so much peace. The ocean also is so holy and sacred and I love the silence and peace I receive in both places. It is all so pretty. God has given us so much beauty in nature. I love that about where I live to enjoy it all, no matter if at the beach or walking by the lake and woods by my house. I used to live in a condo on the beach. I loved it, but most of the people there were very fake and phony, always putting on airs and being pretentious, that was not nice to be around. Now I live in a house again, which I love, I like houses better without HOA's or anything, I can do what I want and maintain a nice distance from others. I do not have to see who abuses alcohol or cigarettes or drugs, I do not have to hear noise above me ever. It is a blessing. And now too, living so close to the lake, pond, and woods is a double blessing, a reminder of my childhood somewhat, like living in the country. I love here where we live, to see cows in the fields, horses, cattails, and dirt roads daily.  When I was looking in the pond yesterday, I could even see the fish swimming in the water. I am doubly blessed with the beach and woods/lake. God is so good to me and I am deciding to count my blessings every single day how good God is to me! 
