Finding Refuge in Jesus During These Days of Spiritual Warfare!


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

~Ephesians 6:12

We have to be strong in the Lord! We need to put on His armor and know that He is with us fighting our battles. Looking out for us during these times of spiritual warfare. We are living in a world where so few have Jesus in their hearts, so few know God, or have faith or a religion or church they go to and practice. Look at most of our elected and people in high places today, there is so much corruption, greed, fraud, selfishness, and so many who are so self-serving, they take and take and do nothing, so mediocre. They lie, cheat, and steal, they have sold their souls to the devil and their countries out for money, gold, and power. Our elected are evil, pushing the killing of innocent, helpless, voiceless babies, allowing disorder and chaos, not upholding law, and allow for a two-tiered justice system, so much anarchy and a dictatorship. All we can do is pray, know God will come in due time, He is here with us now, protecting us, and everything will be okay although it seems very rough right now during this spiritual warfare. Our own government promotes so much division and hate. We are living in a modern day holy war with so much evil from our so-called leaders, elected, and powers that be, so many have become slaves for Satan today. Resist Satan and any who follow him or be his slave. We must put on the full armor of God and know we will be just fine when we find refuge in Jesus! We need to stay positive, loving, and rejoice in the Lord always! Don't fall for the hate and wickedness we see today in our country and world. 
