A New Week of Blessings from God!


God is so good to me! What a week of blessings so far! The beach has been so lovely! I love going and praying and being with God, counting my blessings, asking for mercy and grace, working toward being more humble and Spirit filled. God is so good to me. The beach this week is almost like summer. The colors and water are really lovely. So many are here and enjoying it. We have tons of snowbirds now, but in a few more weeks they will all be gone and it will be quiet and more peaceful again. I love seeing all the seagulls and sandpipers. I love praying for all my family, friends, this world, and for an end to abortion, and for all in purgatory that they get to Heaven like all my beloved family members who have gone before me. I pray for the priests and prisoners, for all young people, for the homeless, the unemployed, the addicts and those with no faith. For all my friends and loved ones. It is nice to have this time with God at the beach to pray and be at peace. God is so good to me! I am forever thankful! 
