Living for God, Not for Money and Vanity Which are Meaningless!


Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is 
never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.

~Ecclesiastes 5:10

I really like this Bible verse. It is a good reminder, especially for all the rich and corrupt elected and our governments that run the world who seek after money, power, greed, and control. It is sad so many of them today lack any God and have lost all sight of what is the most important thing on this Earth School journey. Money, wealth, success, fame, it is all vanity. We need to remember this. Not let money be the driving force to our lives on this Earth. We cannot bring it with us. Plus going after money makes you look bad, greedy, ambitious, shallow, etc. We see this today with so many corrupt elected, senators, congresspeople, presidents, speakers of the house, vice presidents, powers that be, they do so much, it is all so visible with going after money, doing insider trading, making millions off of their positions with lobbyist, etc. It is all so sad and totally disgraceful. Do they really think most people can have an respect for them? No, they do not care, they let money and wealth drive them, but they all look like a bunch of dumbos. It is sad, they need our prayers. The Bible has so much wonderful advice for us humans, it would be nice if we would heed and follow such advice from God and the good word. We need to live for God, be His servants, follow the 10 Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill, not be greedy, selfish, self-serving monsters going after so much money and wealth. For what? To sell yourself and soul to the devil or China? To be a slave for Satan? What really matters in this world and this Earth School? What should our journey here really be about? Not about money and vanity!  Our faith and trust in the Lord is worth more than gold!
