Sharing the Good News of God--Let Us Rejoice!


How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

~Isaiah 52:7

We are called to be disciples for God! It is spoken about even in Isaiah, in the Old Testament. As I have mentioned before, Isaiah is one of my favorite books in the Bible. We are called to bring the good news of our Lord. His son Jesus, the Example we were all given in how to live on this Earth School. We are called to share His good news! Let us rejoice in the Lord always! His blessings bring us so much peace! I use my blog, The Miracles of God, as my discipleship for Christ!  I want others to know of God's miracles, the miracles Jesus performed. The miracles we can all still experience even today. We serve an awesome God! He is a Savior who brings peace and good tidings, He is here to save us. All we need to do is follow Him and His Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill. It seems easy, but there are a lot of challenges here, the devil is always lurking, we need to be careful not to fall to him and become his slave. We need to stay alert and in constant prayer with our Lord, follow Him, make Him the priority, find refuge in Him! We need to be the hands and feet, the example Jesus gave us while here on this Earth journey, our goal is to get into Heaven to spend eternity with Him, He offers this to us, for those who follow Him! Our God reigns, we need to follow Him! Receive the gospel of peace! 
