There is No Hope for Humanity Without God in Our Lives!


The Last Judgement by Michelangelo located in the Sistine Chapel 

We need God! Today so many try to live without God. Then we wonder why the world is such a crazy place. We forget that we need to learn how to live together on this Earth School journey, thinking of others following rules and commandments, thinking about something greater, God. We need God. There is no hope for humanity today without God. We need Him to lead us, guide us, instruct us and bring us where we need to go. Humanity is in very bad shape today. There is so much crime, lawlessness, deceit, lies, greed, selfishness, fraud, corruption, etc. A lot of it comes from our own governments and elected officials. Today most are completely self-serving, greedy, sellouts, and corrupted by power and money, they no longer represent the common people who they are supposed to, it is all self-interests first. The greed, ego, and selfishness is such a prevalent issue today we see from the powers that be. We see this too with making abortion birth control and allowing the killing/murder of millions of unborn babies, it is such a sin. Our governments today think they are God, but they are not. They do however, need to turn to Him if humanity as a whole is going to survive.  So many have become slaves for Satan, they sin and sin forgetting about God and judgement day. Humanity is doomed without God. We must stay focused on God at all costs, following His Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and being people of goodwill if we want to spend eternity in Heaven with our Lord and Savior. We are living in scary times. We need to pray for conversion, be examples like that of Jesus, be disciples for our Lord, and have hope for this humanity. It all hinges on our turning to God! Please pray for our world and all of humanity! 
