We Need to Be Joyful in the Lord Always, Always!

Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven. 

- Acts 1:11

Today the Mornings with God App had a nice prayer, writeup, and Bible verse for us, we need to always remain positive and joyful in the Lord, always! It is key. We cannot going around sad, moping, and have pensive gazing, looking sad and all down and out. We need to find joy daily in the Lord. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! 

The Mornings With God App, said today that, "Pensive gazing is never the best occupation." They also said,  "When our friends leave us we are not forbidden to sorrow, for it cannot be that hearts bereft can be without grief, but we are forbidden to sorrow in a way that breaks up our life of duty and service. I know a mother who lost a beloved daughter many years ago, who has done scarcely anything since but visit the cemetery and mourn. She dropped all her church work. Her home duties have been neglected. The living members of her family have received almost no care. She gazes up into heaven and weeps continually for her child. This is not how our Lord wishes us to act. He wants us to go back at once to our duties, thoughtful, reverent, and serious, yet earnest and faithful, witnessing by our faith and hope to the glory of our Savior. The way He would have us show our grief is in more beautiful living, more earnest service and sweeter praise."

We need to stay joyful in the Lord always. God wants us joyful. Yes, we have grief, death, and tragedy in our lives, but we need to know it is all the process of life, and we need to turn to God, trust in Him, and remain joyful. Some people can be filled with so much hate, negativity, and almost deranged and dismissive, we need to correct this and not let it to take hold in our lives. We need to be positive, loving, and joyful always! 
