Believe in Jesus: Do Not Work for Food that Perishes but for the Food that Endures for Eternal Life!

[After Jesus had fed the five thousand men, his disciples saw him walking on the sea.]
The next day, the crowd that remained across the sea
saw that there had been only one boat there,
and that Jesus had not gone along with his disciples in the boat,
but only his disciples had left.
Other boats came from Tiberias
near the place where they had eaten the bread
when the Lord gave thanks.
When the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there,
they themselves got into boats
and came to Capernaum looking for Jesus.
And when they found him across the sea they said to him,
“Rabbi, when did you get here?”
Jesus answered them and said,
“Amen, amen, I say to you, you are looking for me
not because you saw signs
but because you ate the loaves and were filled.
Do not work for food that perishes
but for the food that endures for eternal life,
which the Son of Man will give you.
For on him the Father, God, has set his seal.”
So they said to him,
“What can we do to accomplish the works of God?”
Jesus answered and said to them,
“This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent.”

~John 6:22-29

God sent us Jesus as our Savior for our sins and to give us eternal life in Heaven with Him. We just need to believe. We do not need much of this Earthly world. We need to stop following things of this world, material desires, carnal ways, money, power, all of it, we cannot take with us. We need to be like Jesus while here on this Earth and live our lives the best we can following the teachings of Jesus, the Commandments of God, and be people of goodwill. It is clear in this Bible verse by John, we just need to believe and follow Jesus. He says even to not work for food that perishes, but for the food that endures Eternal life. Jesus offers us this! We need to follow Him. We see so much evil, so many wicked ways, especially from our governments, elected, and powers that be. They are so greedy and self-serving, they do so much evil and become slaves for Satan, we need to be careful not to fall for the devil and his ways. We need to follow Jesus, believe in Him, do what God wishes, not the devil, and follow Jesus as our example on Earth so that our ultimate goal is to get into Heaven to spend eternity in Heaven with Him! 
