Iron Sharpens Iron; So a Man Sharpens His Friend!
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
⏤ Proverbs 27:17
This is so true! It is nice to be around open minded people who want to love God and follow Him. Who want to read the Bible, go to church, study the teachings of Jesus, respect the 10 Commandments, and be people of goodwill. We can have a lot of good rub off on us on others and vice versa. It really matters who you hang around with and spend time with. You need to be sure you are around other God-minded people. People of goodwill who are loving, positive, and joyful in the Lord. If you are around haters, deranged, or negative, dismissive, and indifferent people with bad attitudes it is not at all pleasant and a place to really grow spiritually. I was blessed with parents who were Catholic and brought us all to church who went to church weekly. I was blessed to meet someone and marry also someone Catholic and holy, someone who says two rosaries a day, prays a lot and wants to go to church. We love our faith and Jesus. We love reading the Bible daily, praying, and staying positive, loving, and joyful in God. It is what really matters to make this Earth School journey more of a blessing. Heaven starts here on Earth with God, He can get us through the trials this world inflicts on us. We can get through anything with God and when we spend time with like-minded loving Jesus loving people, then life is not that bad! Keep the faith, be a disciple for Christ, do the best you can and love your God and fellow humans.
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love