Jesus Christ is My Friend, He Loves Me So Much! I am Trusting and Following Him!

Christian! Christ is your truest and best friend. Prayer is simply your little talk with Christ, as you would sit down with any dear, tender, close and trusted human friend for a little talk. 

⏤ J.R. Miller

I really like this quote and think it is so true. Jesus Christ is our truest and best friend! He will never abandon us or leave us like human friends will and do. We can pray to Him, know Him, follow His teachings, and try to reflect Him in our lives. God gave us Jesus, God with us, Emmanuel, to be with us to teach us how to live on this Earth School. We all need Jesus! He is all we really need. Today our governments and elected do not want us to rely on God, Jesus, or our faith and religion, they want us to depend on them, but they are not God, they do not reflect Jesus, they are just slaves to this world, they follow the god of Earth, Satan, not Jesus, so be careful as they will always disappoint. Most humans and governments will. God will not! Jesus is my true friend! He loves us so much, we need to put all our trust and faith in Him and follow only Him! He is our friend indeed, contrariwise to what  humans or governments say, Jesus is the only one we really can trust. His love, mercy, and forgiveness for us is real, He wants to be friends with us. If you have Jesus close to you, then you have a friend for life who will get your through this Earth School successfully on your way to eternal life in Heaven with Him! Jesus you are my real friend! You are my God! 
