Live In Spirit! Don't Let Your Heart Ache! Stay Active and Keep Your Mind Busy on God Exercises!

 Physical idleness deteriorates the mind; spiritual idleness deteriorates the heart.

-Bishop Fulton Sheen

This is the big problem with the world today. Most people are devoid of Spirit in their lives. They do not know God, have any religion, or faith, they do not know Jesus. This is where the problem comes and why we have such a chaotic, lawless, greedy, and selfish world now. So many people are completely indifferent. They do not care, have God, and many are filled with so much hate and derangement. Something almost hard to understand or fathom.  I see many at the gym, many are active in physical exercise and working to keep their bodies healthy, but go about being selfish, the Spirit is not there, they have little heart or think of others. It is very obvious today in society. The crime, the greed, the selfishness, the corruption, fraud, mediocrity, it is all so prevalent today. A lot comes from the news and government and elected, they set the worst model and example for the public, the greed and self-serving ways of our elected, government, and powers that be today are reprehensible. They need our prayers. We all need to look toward Jesus, follow His model, be His reflection in society, the government doesn't do this at all, they are against God or Jesus, they serve the devil and have become his slaves, it is obvious today in how governments behave, pure evil, so much wickedness, deceit, all the things that Satan wants them to do, they are Satan's slaves for sure. Be careful not to live in this world of flesh where the god of Earth, Satan, reigns, he is controlling all now, the news, governments, powers that be and elected, don't lose heart and follow all those lies. Live in Spirit! Develop a heart like Jesus, prepare yourself for the eternal life in Heaven with Him, this Earth School journey can often seem like a bad dream like St. Paul spoke about, we just need to do our best, live in Spirit, and follow Jesus while we are here! 
