Praying, Doing God's Will, Following His Commandments, the Teachings of Jesus, and Being a Person of Goodwill to Please God!

But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. 

⏤ 1 Peter 4:7 

God cannot hear the prayers on our lips often because the desires of our heart after the world cry out to Him much more strongly and loudly than the our desires for Him. 

⏤ Andrew Murray

We need God! So many today try to live without God, then become consumed by things of this world, greed, addictions, hate, corruption, fraud, things of flesh and of this world instead of things of Spirit reflecting Jesus in our lives. God gave us Jesus, God with Us, Emmanuel to follow Him and reflect Him. We are called to do His will! To follow His Commandments, to follow His son Jesus, and be people of goodwill, not being wicked or evil. Today, the Mornings with God App had a nice write-up, prayer, Bible verse, and quote about all of this! We really need to pray more, know God, and do His will! 

The Mornings of With God App today said, "Almighty God, our heavenly Father, grant us access to You in our prayer, for we come in the name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. You have invited us to come to You, and we come boldly to Your throne of grace to find mercy and to obtain help in time of our need. Grant us Your peace. Accept us graciously. We are sorry for our sins which have grieved You. We offer no excuse, nor would we try to make our sins seem less heinous than they are. We simply confess them — and ask You to forgive us. We have our burdens to carry. Some of them are heavy, and it seems to us that we cannot bear them. But we remember Your promise, that if we cast our burden upon You, that You will sustain us. So we would cast these burdens of ours upon You. We do not ask that You should take them away from us, for it may be that we should continue to bear these burdens. So we ask for grace to keep our burdens, and we plead Your promise for strength to sustain us as we walk beneath them in faith and confidence. Let us not faint and sink down under the load; but may we be enabled to walk erect, helped by Your sustaining grace. Teach us to do Your will. Your will is always the best thing for us, the only good thing we can do. To go against Your will, is to grieve You, and hurt our own life. Show us what Your will is, day by day, step by step — what You would have us to do. Then teach us to do Your will. Incline our hearts unto Your commandments. Then help us to obey Your precepts. It is not easy for us to do this, with our evil hearts — but may You help us all this day to do only the things that will please You. We ask this in Jesus' precious name. Amen."

I just want to follow Jesus, walk with Jesus, and be more like Jesus. To reflect Him and His love in my life! A big part of this is doing the will of God. Letting God control us, live a Spirit controlled life with Jesus directing you and reflecting Jesus in all we do. We need to turn from all sin, wickedness, hate, evil, not become slaves for Satan, instead, do the will of God, follow Jesus and reflect Him in all we do! That is what we all need to do! Got Jesus? 
