Sowing to the Spirit so to Reap Eternal Life!


Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit.

~Galatians 6:8

Today we see so many sowing to the flesh, things of this world. They steal, lie, cheat, commit so much crime, sin, fraud, corruption, they are greedy and selfish, so self-serving, with so much vanity and ego. Most comes from the powers that be, elected, and our government and agencies, they do so much bad, wicked, evil, hurting others, just to get ahead or to hurt others. They are the worst examples of people of goodwill. We see so called leaders selling their countries out for all the money in the world and taking bribes and being slaves for Satan. We see it so much today, most of our elected are so corrupt, so dishonest, so greedy, so self-serving. It is so sad to see that they sow to the flesh, to things of this world. They serve the god of Earth, Satan, and become his slave. We need to do just the opposite, we need to sow to the Spirit, Serve God, be like Jesus, follow God's commands, and the teachings of Jesus, we need to be people of goodwill. We will harvest an everlasting life from the Spirit, Jesus promises us this. We serve a great God, when we serve Him, not the devil. Do not become consumed by the flesh like the so called wicked leaders, focusing on material goods, money, carnal desires, etc. Seek Jesus, reflect Him, sow to the Spirit and you will reap eternal life!
