Thanking God for Being in My Home, Life, and Relationship! Live in My Heart God and Pour Your Grace Through All My Being!


Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 

⏤ Philippians 4:6 

We must begin to believe that God, in the mystery of prayer, has entrusted us with a force that can move the Heavenly world, and can bring its power down to earth. 

⏤ Andrew Murray

I try to pray constantly and always counting my blessings from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. Even when I wake in the middle of the night I say prayers, like a Hail Mary or St. Michael. Prayer is a huge part of my life. I thank God for being such a big part of my home, life, and relationship. It is so important to me. I pray for His grace and peace. 

Today the Mornings with God App had a nice quote, Bible verse, write-up, and prayer about how important it is to have God front and center in our lives. The App said, "Our Father, we thank You for our home. Many people are homeless in this great world, and they are very lonesome. You have given us a home with many comforts. We are grateful for it, and pray that we may have Your blessing in our home life. We thank You that You are willing, O Jesus, to be a guest in our home. We remember how You blessed and sweetened the Bethany home in the days of Your flesh. May You make our home Your abiding place, coming to us as You did to the home of Martha and Mary. May Your peace be upon our household. May we be able to make our family life sweet and beautiful enough to please You, and to be a comfort to You — when You come to tarry with us. Let us never grieve You by selfish behavior, by quarreling or strife. Help us to give You true hospitality, not only within our doors — but also within our hearts. We would welcome You into every corner of our lives, shutting You out of no room — but having You dwell in us so fully, so completely, that all our life shall feel Your influence, and be blessed by Your spirit and love. We want to become like You — and we never can do this except as You live in our hearts, and pour Your grace through all our being. As we go out now, O Jesus, to meet the experiences of this new day, we put our hand in Yours, asking You to lead us and guide us. You have promised that as our days — so shall our strength be. You know what this day will be to us, what it will need of strength; may You give us what we shall need, as the need comes, hour by hour."

God, come into me, let your Spirit live in me, pour your grace upon my entire being asking you to be with me always and let me be in constant prayer. Thank you God for being in my home, being, and all my important relationships. I am blessed to have great parents who raised me to know Jesus and to be a person of goodwill.  Jesus always be at the center! Thank you God, live in me forever! 
