Trusting in the Lord, Staying Away from All Wicked and Evil and Their Sorrows!


Many sorrows come to the wicked, but unfailing love surrounds those who trust the Lord.

~Psalm 32:10

All we can do is trust in the Lord. Follow Him! Respect His Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill. We cannot fall into lawlessness and chaos, we need law and order. There are no shortcuts to Heaven. We need to be people of goodwill, following our Lord and trust in Him. Finding refuge only in Him. Humans will always disappoint. The book I am reading talks about how the god of Earth now is Satan, he is seeking our souls, wanting us to become his slaves, to do all the bad we can, kill babies, steal, lie, cheat, commit fraud, hurt others. The devil is lurking, He wants our souls. We need to resist and trust in the Lord and do what is right. We all know what is right. Abortion and killing babies is not right, fornication is sin and it hurts the life of a soul, a baby of God. We need to respect all things. Abortion should not be birth control. Today we see some real evil leaders, so called leaders, mostly elected, but mostly all evil, they are corrupted, greedy, self-serving, and the truth is all coming out about most of them, the coverup will not last forever. So many elected have sold their souls to the devil and for a few silver coins, they are like Judas Iscariot, ironically, they are put in office to represent, the people, but sell themselves out for money and power. Good does win over evil always. God will make sure of this. We need to trust in Him and follow His ways, His will be done. Follow His guidance and ways. I am trusting in God alone, not man, not following the wicked and evil or falling prey to be a slave for Satan, this world is not my world. I am going to a better place, home to Heaven someday with Jesus! They way I can do this is by following Him alone! 
