We are Called to Be Disciples for Christ! To Know Jesus! It Will All Make This Earth School Life So Much Better for All of Us if We Do!
He saith unto them, Come ye after Me, and I will make you fishers of men.
- Matthew 4:19
We are called to be disciples or apostles for God! He sent us Jesus as our example. I cannot image my long life without Jesus. I was blessed to be brought up in a church going to mass weekly and going to religion classes, knowing a faith and knowing Jesus. My parents were great parents for doing this. Today many do not bring their children to church. Many people do not know God today. It is evident in society today with all the crime, selfishness, greedy, ego, irresponsibility. It is very sad to see. We will need to pray for a better world with God in the lives of all of us!
The Mornings With God App today said, "We must be ready to break any ties which Christ bids us to break, in order to become one with Him. We must become His disciples before we can become workers. The first thing always is personal attachment to Christ, the disengaging of ourselves from all other masters, and the devoting of ourselves altogether to Him. When we have entered His company we receive from His hand a work to do. The world is like a deep, black sea, its black waters of sin being full of lost souls. The work of Christ and His followers is to draw these lost ones out of the dark floods and save them. Sometimes the waters in which these lost ones lie are very foul, but we ought not to shrink from our work on this account. Christ Himself went down into the blackest waters of sin to find and save the lost. Once He drew out a “woman that was a sinner”; another time it was a publican; and again, it was a thief dying on a cross."
We each who have Christ can be examples and reflect Him so others know. It is hard and can be tiring, nonetheless, important and critical today. We are seeing more and more without any God or faith in them. They are full of sin, do not know the difference, are selfish, and have no personal responsibility at all. It hurts all of us and our society as a whole. We all need to do our part to help clear up the black waters of sin we see today. Bring others to Jesus. I told my nephew who was having a birthday today that I hope he has Jesus in his life. I always pray for others and let them know I am praying for them and hoping they know Jesus and God by letting them know I pray the Aaronic prayer for them too. We all have to do our part to bring others to Jesus!
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