Jesus Saves Ordinary People Like Us, Look What He Did for Peter and John! He is the Only Way to Salvation! Follow Jesus!


Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

~Acts 4:12-13

Jesus is the only way to be saved! We must follow Him! Really follow Him, reflect Him in how we live, do as He taught us. Follow the Commandments of God, the teachings of Jesus, be people of goodwill, and if we do, we are promised eternal life in Heaven with Him! What a blessing and miracle from our God!  God offers this to anyone, no matter if we are schooled or unschooled, just ordinary people can get into Heaven if we follow Jesus. Be with Jesus, follow Jesus, reflect Him in your life! Follow Jesus, don't be disillusioned by the lies and deception of the government and powers that be who are greedy, corrupted, and selfish, nothing of this world is worth obtaining, it is all in Heaven with our Lord. Don't be like the powers that be, the elected, the governments and cronies who are slaves for Satan,  the god of earth, instead follow Jesus, do what is right, be holy servants, know that God's promises are so much greater than anything this Earth School world can give you. Satan may be the god of this earth, but God has called us to something greater! Follow Jesus and be saved! 
