Learn to Relate to Others Through God's Love, Rather Than Your Own!


Our love and understanding is limited as humans, we see this everyday in how we relate to and get along with others. We also allow ego, vanity, pop culture, attitude, and our surroundings and others to influence us. We need to learn to love and imitate Jesus, reflect Him and love others like He would, not how we react often times. We are not as perfect as Jesus was, so we need to rather rely on God's understanding and love to respond and behave toward others, not how we often do. We need to turn it all over to God, let Him lead you, and try to relate to others through His love, not our own. It is hard to do, but what we really need to do so to have Heaven here on Earth among us all. We can have a more peaceful world if we all do. Reflecting His love, Jesus in all we do. The Jesus Calling book by Sarah Young spoke of this today, it really is key and how we need to try to live as humans, letting us love others like God would. God gave us Jesus for this reason. We really need to learn to love like Jesus! To reflect Jesus in all we do! 
