Living Well Miracles: Wherever You Go, Drop Seeds Which Spring up into Beauty for Others!


When the man touched the bones of Elisha, he revived. 

- 2 Kings 13:21

We need to live well and be miracles and blessings to others, God wants that of us. He wants us to leave a legacy, a legend of blessings as part of our walk and work here on this Earth School journey! I wrote a book back in 2009 called Living Well, Caring Enough to Do What is Right. It was in my heart and really came from God. I am getting ready to publish my other book hopefully when I retire in the next year or so. Today, the Mornings with God App had some good reminders about the miracles and blessings, our influence lives after us, this is so true. I sure have planted many trees and seeds. In all my houses and places I have lived I have done a lot with plants, palms, mangos, avocado, so many beautiful plants and foliage. I love finding seeds from one nice tree I see and then planting others all around. I miss my Barbados Cherry Tree, so good and so much Vitamin C. We are called to be blessings for others to allow your goodness to live on after you for others! 

The Mornings With God App today said,  "Of course this was a miracle. The incident illustrates the truth that a good man’s influence lives after him. There is a story of an old monk who was shipwrecked and cast upon a desert island. He had with him a package of seeds which he scattered upon the bare island. Soon afterward he died there, but twenty years later, some persons coming to the island found it covered from side to side with waving harvests and luxuriant fruit–trees, the result of the scattering of the seeds from the monk’s hand twenty years ago. So it is with those who live well: wherever they go, they drop seeds which spring up into beauty. There is a legend which says that when the Empress Helena was searching for the true cross, three crosses were found. They brought a dead body and laid it in turn upon the crosses. When it rested upon the true cross, it became alive. This is only a legend, but it illustrates the truth that the power of Christ always gives life and healing."

Living well means doing for others, leaving a legacy of love, using the power of Christ which always gives life and healing to others when we live like and reflect Jesus in all we do! The story above from the Bible about Elisha shows the power in Him through God. We have that power too, God gives it to us when we follow and reflect Jesus. Go scatter seeds of love that last after you have gone to Heaven!  Bloom where you are planted too! 
