Reading the Bible We are Blessed When We Live in a God Filled Life with Jesus, Not Be Lazy or Apathetic to God and His Will in Our Lives!

 The Bible is no lazy man’s book! Much of its treasure, like the valuable minerals stored in the recesses of the earth, only yield up themselves to the diligent seeker. No verse of Scripture yields its meaning to lazy people. 

⏤ Arthur Pink

Today not many people want to read the Bible or go to church. God forbid they spend time in prayer reading the Bible or going to a mass each week for an hour. Today most people live in the flesh, not in the Spirit. They spend all their time on things of this world. They are on their phones all the time, concerned about who likes them on their social apps, they work, and save, and buy, only caring about money and material goods and carnal desires. It is sad to see. Our own government, elected, and powers that be push this mentality too. Not many are guided by Jesus Christ or the Bible today like they were when President Abraham Lincoln was the the President of the USA. He ruled by God and the Bible. He lived his life God centered. We do not see a lot of people like this today. Many are lazy to read the Bible some each day. Many never go to church. In fact, now the government, work, and many places never want you to talk about church, God, Jesus, or the Bible, and God forbid if you do. It is so sad. The Bible is our true treasure in life. True treasure! It is filled with valuable information that we all need to heed. Many lazy people cannot live up to its advice and guidance, it is too hard, we live in a world of sin, with Satan, the god of Earth wanting our souls, trying to make us sin and be wicked, to be his slaves. It is so sad. We need to live in Spirit! To read and heed the Bible and its teachings. We need to reflect Jesus in our lives and love all people, focus on our eternal life in Heaven with Jesus more and how we live on this Earth School world will decide on if we get there. We need to let the will of God be done in our lives, let Him lead you, guide you, instruct you, bring you where you need to be. May we all stop sinning, follow the teachings of Jesus and reflect him, and be people of goodwill. We are more blessed when we read the Bible and follow Jesus! 
