Self-Pity is of Satan, Let God Use You for His Purpose in this World!


Self pity is of the devil, and if I wallow in it, I cannot be used by God for his purpose in the world.

~Oswald Chambers

Self-pity is a real problem today in our society. It is a blame game that hurts individuals and society as a whole. We all need to take personal responsibility for ourselves and world. We also need to be positive, loving, and joyful in the Lord. We see so much negativity, hate, dismissiveness, and cancel culture today, it all hurts our society and world, and it makes the people who fall into it all ugly, unhappy, and destructive to themselves and others around us. We really need to be careful not to fall into a life or pattern of self-pity. It helps no one. I agree with the quote by Oswald Chambers, it is of the devil, we cannot be used by God when we fall into it, like hate, it holds us back, it hurts us. We need to lift ourselves out of it all, follow God, pray, count our blessings, we need to stay prayerful of ourselves, others, and the world, also count our blessings, name all of them, name people we are praying for and things of this world, obey the Commandments of God, stop sinning, follow the teachings of Jesus, reflect Him in all, stay joyful in the Lord always, be positive, loving, and joyful! Do not let self-pity dominate your life and hurt you and our society as a whole, it is of Satan, not of God! Rise above mediocrity and pity. Be victorious with God! 

Some good websites on advice on Self-Pity at:
