So Many Today Sow for This World of Material and Carnal Desires, Not for Life Eternal with Jesus!


What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are 
now ashamed of? Those things result in death!

~Romans 6:21

The Bible sure is full of advice and wisdom for us humans on this Earth School! Will we heed the advice or not? So many today sin so much. They seek things of this world, material or carnal, they do not live in Spirit and seek fruits higher. We should not live for this world and death, instead live for eternal life and seek higher for those Spiritual things. So many sin so much and never think about it hurts them or those around them. God called us to a higher calling, to obey Him, to follow the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill. We need to live in Spirit while here and make Heaven our number one goal, to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus! 
