The Perfect Peace Promised by God is Also One of His Greatest Blessings and Miracles!


Thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee. 

- 1 Kings 17:4

God is working miracles every single day! However, often we do not look at them as miracles with modern times of inventions, science, and technology, we think it is all manmade. It really all comes from God, all of it. If it were not for God we would not be here today. We need Him to survive on this Earth School. He has a plan and purpose for us and wants to know us! The air we breath, the color of the ocean on a sunny day, the bees that make honey so sweet for us, the herbs that cure and heal us, it is not an coincidence, God created all, some say there are cures for all illness, but some wealthy took all this information and will not allow it to be released so to make a lot of money on big pharma. Greed, corruption, and selfishness, along with so called advances in our society all hinder the real miracles that exist all around us. 

The Mornings With God App today said, "God is never at a loss to find a way of providing for His children. All things are His servants. The brooks of water, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, the wings of ravens, the waves of the sea – all creatures, all things animate and inanimate – belong to Him and are ready to serve Him at His call. Some people are troubled about miracles, asking how God can interrupt the regular order of nature to do any special favor for a child of His. If we understand how completely all things are under God’s hands, it will not be hard for us to believe that miracles are possible. Perhaps none of us ever were fed by ravens as Elijah was, but in other ways, not less marvelous, God brings to us our daily bread. Railroad trains carry it across continents, or ships bear it around the globe to bring it to our doors. We are too wise in these days – too wise on scientific subjects – to get the most perfect peace from the promises of God."

If God takes care of the birds and all the animals in the wild, He will take care of His children He created in His image. He loves us so much, His blessings and miracles are endless and all abound for us to receive. We need to not get stuck in self-pity, instead, count our blessings, pray for others, and know that God is much larger than things of this world and He will continue to show His perfect peace He promises if we trust in Him and follow Jesus, and reflect Him in our lives! 
