The Purpose in Life is to Know God!


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper 
you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

– Jeremiah 29:11

Our purpose in life is to know God! He wants to know us, love us, and forgive us, He has so much mercy and love to show us. When I go to church, we go to St. Sebastian, they have the most beautiful colored stained glass windows, and this one is over the church alter and underneath it is the crucifix of Jesus. I love looking up at it, thinking of God, looking down at us, showing His love, wanting to know us and have us in His life. That is all He wants. Our purpose on this Earth School is to know God! He gave us Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us, as an example of what to do, who to follow, a model of how to live on this Earth School journey. We are called to love one another as God loves us. We are called to love like God, like Jesus gave us the example when He was here on this Earth. It is hard for so many of us. I even thought tonight when we left mass, which I love and go to weekly, I love my faith and my God, but I have to say, the people that go to church are disappointing. For example, we go to the supermarket after church sometimes, like tonight, we see so many people in church, and then at the store, but at the store, they just walk right by, ignore, and act as if we are nobody, yet we just saw them in church in celebration of the Lord at His supper. We as humans are very hypocritical. Humans will always disappoint, God never will. We want to go to church, to pray, to do all with the hopes of getting into Heaven, but then when we are outside of church, we completely ignore our church family or fellow religious mates. It is so ironic and hard to comprehend. I always want to show love, be friendly, kind to others, show an interest, but so many just do not seem to care, the minute they leave the church door, they could care less. It is sad to see how we are as so called Christians. Nonetheless, I love this image of God above the alter and focus on it so much at church knowing He loves me and wants to know me, He created me in His image, and I am important to Him, that is really all that matters, I am loved by God! I still need to try to reflect Jesus always! 
