Trusting in God, Singing His Praises, Just Like David!


Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord. 

~2 Samuel 22:50

All of us need to read about David and how he trusted in God to lead him. He let Him lead him as he was chosen as a leader. David even created his own hymn of praise. We need to do the same, always praising God, knowing He is looking out for us, let Him lead you, guide you, instruct you, and bring you where you need to be. Give thanks to God for all, He will do so much for you! Look how He made David such a great figure in the Bible and life, even Michelangelo gave him homage with his statue. God rose him up to be a great leader, and David knew it, he gave God praise for all. We all need to do the same too. God is working in our lives, we may not see or understand all, but He is there, working, doing so much, making us great for Him and His glory, let go, abandon yourself to Him, follow Jesus, and let His will be done in your life. 

The Mornings With God App today was talking about all of this and said, "The keynote of David’s hymn is praise. He saw God’s hand in all the events of his life. God had girded him with strength; God had made his enemies turn their backs; God had delivered him from the strivings of the people. Great military men sometimes write autobiographies glorifying themselves, explaining how this and that battle was won, showing how their valor or their strategy was the secret of the success on this or that field, thus weaving for themselves a crown of honor. David’s autobiography is altogether different. He hides himself away and honors God. It is only when we are willing to be nothing that God may be all in all, that we become really great spiritually. We are but the earthen vessels that God fills with blessing. No matter how much good we may do in this world, it is not we that really do it, but God through us and in us. Just so far, then, as we recognize this truth do we reach the highest possible spirit in Christian life."

We need to humble ourselves to the Lord, it is really Him guiding and leading us, bringing us to where He wants us to be to do His glory. God is filling our Earthen vessel for His will, let go and let God. Count your blessings and sing His praise! Be joyful in the Lord, sing a song for Him like David did. We need to recognize this truth, that God is behind everything in our lives when we trust in Him! 
