We as Humans are Called, Called to Follow His Steps, to Follow His Example, to Reflect Jesus in How We Live!


To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.

~1 Peter 2:21

For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.

~John 13:15

We are called as humans, called by Jesus, to follow Him, His steps, His example, the model He gave us, we are called to reflect Him in our lives, do as He did, live like Him. To love all, to forgive all, to show mercy to all, never to judge or hate. We are called! Why is it so hard for us to follow the example Jesus gave us? Why do we resist? Why is the carnal mind so harsh toward God? Today, even Satan has taken over the churches, turning them into businesses and for profit, it is all about money, even in what we call God's house, why? Jesus did not want that. That was not the example He gave us as we know from when he kicked all out of the temple for turning it into a marketplace. Like Jesus, we need to crucify the flesh here and know to sow for the Spirit. We are not of this world. Do not let it consume you, or make you become something other than that image and model Jesus gave us to follow, do not become slaves for Satan, selling your souls to the devil for money, power, greed, corruption, like so many elected, in government, and powers that be have done. We all need to stop sinning! Follow Jesus and His example. Be like Jesus, save your soul for God in Heaven, we are God's children, give yourself back to God, the flesh of this life will die and be crucified, so sow for the Spirit in our future life in Heaven with Jesus! I am sowing for the Spirit! I am following the example Jesus gave us, following in His steps! 
