We Need to Realize We Never Stop Learning, All Life Lessons are Valuable and From God to Grow in Christ!


A wise man will hear, and will increase learning. 

- Proverbs 1:5

We need to realize as humans that we never stop learning on this Earth School journey we are on. We learn from all experiences, good or bad. We see the injustice, the hate, the lack of God, we see the good, Christ in so many, love, caring and kind people. All things bring learning experiences for us. We are on a journey, hopefully for good to reflect Jesus more and more as we live. 

Mornings With God App today said, "The wise man never ceases to be a learner. He never gets to a point where he feels satisfied with his attainments. Many a man, who starts out with great promise in early life, by and by loses his energy and fails of his early hope, because in the elation of his first successes he stopped learning, and then growth was at an end, and when growth stops decay begins. An old artist had for his motto: “Nulla dies sine linea” (No day without a line). Every day he would add one line, at least, to his knowledge and attainment. There could be no better motto for any life, young or old. Every day we should learn something we did not know before, add some new fact to our store of knowledge. Every day we should get some new lesson into our life, learn at some point to live better. This applies to secular life – there should be daily progress in the business or profession we pursue. It also needs to apply to spiritual life – no day should be without its added line of likeness to Christ."

We need to work toward that likeness of Jesus, to live and reflect Him in all we do. All things are a life experience for us. Some let power go to their heads and then abuse, become more greedy, and act selfishly, most of our elected, powers that be, and people in government are like this. We see how they become slaves for Satan doing so many and evil and wicked things, however our goal is not that, it is to reflect and follow Jesus, reflect Him, do His will and obey God and His Commandments. We can never stop learning, all is a learning experience, I have learned so much from all the places I lived and travelled, I see so much in the news and TV today that makes me see a side of people and governments, we see some goodness, but unfortunately today we see a lot of greed, corruption, fraud, mediocrity, and selfishness, mostly from the elected and powers that be which is extremely concerning. They need Jesus, like Zacchaeus did in the Bible. Keep learning, and working toward being like Jesus, reflecting Him, loving all, and doing what is right! 
