We Need to Thank God for the Peace, For All Things, Counting Our Blessings and Praying, Not Falling Into Self-Pity is Key to Tranquility!
God brings so much peace and tranquility! I have to give thanks to God, let Him know how grateful I am to Him, and count all my blessings! Each day He is so good to me. He brings me so much peace and love. I try to stay in constant prayer, praying for all, counting all my blessings, like my upbringing and parents, all things. I know it all comes from God, This beach for me is a glimpse of Heaven from God, He shows me how much He loves me and how much He still has for us when we follow Jesus, obey God's Commandments, and count our blessings! I love my beach time in prayer with God, I am thankful for all of God's love!
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love