Why is it So Hard to Follow God and His Commandments and Not Sin?
And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to Him, to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?
~Deuteronomy 10:12-13
If we call Him God and Lord, shouldn't we honor Him and do as He commands? So many people today sin so much! No one wants to follow any rules or laws, less the 10 Commandments that God gave us. It is sad to see, all the lawlessness, the lawfare. So many sin and do not obey most laws today, that is sin too, so many are selfish, greedy, and only care about themselves. They live in isolated selfish worlds hurting others, allowing for chaos and a world where there is no law and order. It is sad to see today, no one seems to live without sinning and hurting themselves and the world as a whole. God gave us His Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and an example, a role model to follow in Jesus, yet no one wants to follow Jesus or do what is right. There are some today who have a heart of goodwill and righteousness, but it seems less each day. It is sad to see. Our world needs a lot of prayers. Ironically, the governments, agencies, elected, and powers that be are some of the worst sinners and examples for the populous. We see in the news daily of all the corrupt elected taking bribes, money from China and Ukraine and all over the world, gold bars, insider trading by elected, luxury cars, etc. The corruption today, the sin, especially from our elected and so called leaders and role models are the worst examples for good people today. They all sell their souls to the devil and dragon and become slaves to Satan. Why can't more of us live holy lives? Lives without sin and selfishness? Why is it so hard for so many to fall into all this lawfare and sin? Why is there so much greed and selfishness today? In this Bible verse from Deuteronomy it is very clear, we are supposed to follow God, walk with Him, follow Jesus, reflect Him, do His will and His Commandments! Me and my house will serve the Lord!
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