With God We Can Stand Against the Wiles of Satan!


Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

 ⏤ Ephesians 6:10-11

Today we see a lot of evil in our world. The greed, selfishness, corruption, fraud, and mediocrity are all so blatant. Especially from our governments, elected, so called leaders, and powers that be. They are so wicked and evil and so so much bad toward the common human being today in our world. Greed, power, control, and selfishness reign today in our Earth world run by the god of Earth, Satan. Most governments and elected are just slaves for Satan, doing so much wicked, all for selfish means. They even have most media in their pockets who side with them and their evil. Even some say Satan has take over the churches too, it seems to be the case, when we see so many making so much money off the word of God and turn all into a huge big business at most churches today. It is very sad, I do not think Jesus would approve of people using His Fathers house for so much greedy money making. All we can do today is pray and find refuge in God. Put on His full armor faith in Him! If we can defeat the devil by not becoming his slave, and stay in Spirit with Jesus, we will be just fine. We need to follow Jesus, obey God, and walk in this light and truth! We must stay strong in His might! Remember our home is not here, it is in Heaven with Jesus, there is nothing to store up from here, money, power, gold, material things, none of that is important. We need to save our souls for Jesus and the only way to do that is putting on the full armor of God! 
