As it is Stated Here, I am Reminding You About the Gospel and Truth Jesus Spoke of, We Have a Choice to Follow God or Not!


Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, a descendant of David:
such is my Gospel, for which I am suffering,
even to the point of chains, like a criminal.
But the word of God is not chained.
Therefore, I bear with everything for the sake of those who are chosen,
so that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus,
together with eternal glory.
This saying is trustworthy:
If we have died with him
we shall also live with him;
if we persevere
we shall also reign with him.
But if we deny him
he will deny us.
If we are unfaithful
he remains faithful,
for he cannot deny himself.
Remind people of these things
and charge them before God to stop disputing about words.
This serves no useful purpose since it harms those who listen.
Be eager to present yourself as acceptable to God,
a workman who causes no disgrace,
imparting the word of truth without deviation.

~2 Timothy 2:8-15

We all have choices in life. Some call it free will. However, when we do evil, wicked, sin, or hurt others, ourselves, or the world and not pursue God, we often suffer a lot. We need God in our lives. We need to follow Jesus and His teachings and reflect Him in all we do in life! We should follow God, never deny Him as it says here and to remind others of. We need to be eager to present ourselves acceptable to God! Teach me your ways, O Lord!
