Don't Let Your Heart Be Duped!


The human heart has so many crannies where vanity hides, so many holes where falsehood works, and is so decked out with deceiving hypocrisy that it often dupes itself! 

⏤ John Calvin

We are a very vain society when we live in this carnal material world. We need to live in Spirit, putting God first, reflecting Jesus. This world with Satan as the god of Earth now, is corrupted, so many temptations and problems, so much deceit. We need to be careful not to be consumed by this earth world, staying in Spirit with God, reflecting Jesus, that is all that is important, otherwise, we will have our hearts duped. Humans only disappoint, they deceive, put on airs, lie, cheat, steal, commit fraud, and are very corrupt, we see this a lot by our elected and governments today. They lack God, so the hypocrisy is so apparent. Deceit and falsehood are easy to follow, the truth often hurts so much. Too, we forget to count our blessings, be grateful, show thanksgiving, and look at all the ways we really are privileged because we follow God. Jesus just asks us to follow Him, trust Him, reflect Him in all we do, when we do, we cannot have our hearts duped by things of this world! We need God! We need to live in Spirit! 
