God’s Hand Moves in all the World’s Events! God Will Always Protect Us Against all Evil!
When I found that he had... appealed unto Augustus, I have determined to send him.
~Acts 25:25
St. Paul was on a mission to get to Rome. He wanted to keep preaching the good news and teaching of Jesus! God knew that. He was with Paul throughout all his journey, Paul experienced many delays and trials, but through the grace of God and His help, Paul was released from prison and was finally able to reach his destination and accomplish his goal for the Lord. He was a great disciple who just wanted to do the will of God, reflecting Jesus and doing His will sharing what Jesus had done for all of us.
The Mornings With God App had a good reminder today about how God will always be there to get us where we need to go. It may not seem so, and it may take a while, we may go through trials, but if it is where God wants us to go, He will make sure we get there, like in the example with the life of Paul going to Rome. In the App today said, "Paul had been assured that he would witness for Christ at Rome. But the way to Rome was a long one for him. He was kept in prison, and prevented from reaching his destination promptly. But we may be sure that no time was really lost. God’s plans often move slowly, and if we try to hurry them we only do harm. The Roman courts were the shelter divinely provided for Paul in those days. His appeal to Caesar saved him. If he had been in the hands of the Jews, he would have been killed. But Roman justice was a wall about him which shielded him. Paul’s mission was to go Rome as a missionary, and Rome carried him there. God’s hand moves in all the world’s events. Paul’s affairs filled a large place in men’s thoughts in those days. The Jews kept clamoring at the door of Festus for his death. But Festus found that they had no charge against him worthy of attention. So Paul’s appeal to Caesar protected him from his enemies."
We are reminded today of God's hand in our lives, He moves all world events, although the evil may take hold, we see a lot of evil, wickedness, greed, corruption, and self-serving ways from the vain intellectuals, the elected, governments, and powers that be, they think they can outsmart God, but God's hand is in all, like with King Uzziah, God will make sure at any cost, if it is meant to be, for you to reach your goals, accomplish what He wants you to do, to make a difference in this world, like He did with Paul. Paul had many struggles, struggles like we have, things that seem almost impossible to overcome, but with God, all things are possible, we need to persevere, to persist, to move on, knowing God's hand is present in all we do, and He will make things happen in due time, what is meant to happen for the good of all humanity. We cannot live in fear, Paul tried to not be in fear, although he was detained and mistreated, so many did not understand him, like God did, God gave him a mission, like he gives to each one of us, to accomplish His will, we are called to be disciples for Christ, like Paul, nothing can stop us either if it is the will of God to do just that! Keep the faith, persevere!
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