I am Going to Walk with Jesus!
Walk with Jesus by Comsumed by Fire on GodTube
Honestly, We Just Need Jesus by Terrian on GodTube
I love these songs! Some of my favorites now. There are a lot of good songs about Jesus today, these are two of my favorites. We just need Jesus and need to walk by His ways and do what He says to do. That is it! We all need Jesus and we all need to walk with Him while on this Earth School journey! He is all we need to get through, if we follow Him, we cannot be trapped by Satan, the devil, the god of Earth who wants us as his slaves, when we follow and walk with Jesus, reflecting Him, He is our protection and Savior. If these songs do not convert you to Jesus and help you want to walk, live like, and reflect Him, none others will! We need to walk with Jesus, we need Jesus, and we need to reflect Jesus in our lives!
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