Make It a Custom to Always Attend Church Each Week!
Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them.
- Acts 17:2
We always go to church each week. Mostly the Sabbath mass, the vigil mass on Saturdays at St. Sebastian. We love our church and faith. I have been going to church since a baby, love my faith and Jesus! I saw a nice write-up today about Paul and how he liked always going to church too, it was a custom to him. I agree many today are careless with their faith and soul, and do not take good care of them. We need to for sure! That is the problem with the world today, all the crime, killing guns, shooting suicide, hate, greed, corruption, fraud, mediocrity, etc. There are a lot of problems in our world today, most due to people not living with God in their lives. What is one hour a week to dedicate to going to church and listening to the word of God?
In the Mornings With God App today, they had a nice write-up about Paul, they said, "Paul was a man of habits. “His custom was” always to attend church. It is a fine thing to have such a “custom.” Too many people grow careless about going to church. Those who become Christ’s friends should come out and join Christ’s company. Some people believe on Christ, but stay mixed up in the old company, and nobody knows that they are Christians. That is not what Christ wants us to do. Sometimes the true thing in time of persecution is to go away. The missionaries left Thessalonica by night. There was no reason why they should stay longer. So they went on to Berea. We may never flee from our duty, but it may sometimes be our duty to flee. The Bereans showed their nobility of character by receiving the words of Paul readily and making inquiry to see if they were according to the Scriptures. It is the mark of a narrow mind to refuse to examine what is said before rejecting it."
We need God! We need to live and reflect Jesus! We should be going to church each week. Get into a good Bible-based church and learn about Jesus, follow Him, reflect Him in your lives, make church and God a big part of your life, it will make a huge difference in your life. It will make you noble!
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