No Path Into Which You will Take Us, Can Be a Wrong Path with God!


I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. 

⏤ Psalm 116:1-2 

The measure of our love for others can largely be determined by the frequency and earnestness of our prayers for them.

 ⏤ Arthur W. Pink

God hears our prayers! He inclines His ears to us, He wants us to come to Him, to know Him, to pray to Him, and to love Him! We are created in His image and He loves us so much! He just wants us to be in His life, to go to Him, to do His will, and obey His Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill! Why do we as humans resist so much? Why do we try to do it all on our own, instead of following God and accepting His will be done? 

Today, the Mornings with God App had a nice Bible verse, quote, write-up, and prayer, today they said, "O Jesus, our Savior, You alone can give us life. You came into this world that we might have life, abundant life. Fill us with life as we go out for this new day. We shall have need of it at every step. We shall have . . .

burdens to carry,

and battles to fight,

and trials to endure,

and duties to perform.

Give us life, abundant life, to prepare us for all these experiences, that we fail not today. We must represent You in the world. You have said that as the Father sent You into the world — so You have sent us. We can do nothing, but as we receive life and wisdom from You. We wait at Your feet this morning, praying You to put rich grace into our souls. May we be like trees planted by the rivers of water, bearing fruit in their season. May the fruits of righteousness be in our lives. May the fruits of the Spirit abound in us. May we be to the world like rich trees, planted and nourished by You, from whose branches there shall fall much fruit to feed men's hungers. We cannot know what the day will have for us. We do not ask to know. We would rather walk in the dark with You — than go alone, choosing our own way. We would rather walk with You by faith — than go alone by sight. So we put ourselves into Your hand for guidance and safe keeping. You will make no mistake in leading us. No path into which You will take us, can be a wrong path. Lead us, O Jesus, for You know the way through this bewildering world. You have traversed the paths Yourself, O Jesus, and You found the way home. Lead us home, too, dear Master, to be with You forever. We ask in Your own name. Amen."

God wants to give us life, an abundant life, all wisdom comes from Him! We need to realize this and stop resisting so much! Turn our lives and worries and problems over to Him! O Jesus, for You know the way through this bewildering world! May we pray to you and for others. And like it says above, may we be like trees planted by the rivers of water, bearing fruit in their season. May the fruits of righteousness be in our lives. May the fruits of the Spirit abound in us. May we be to the world like rich trees, planted and nourished by You, from whose branches there shall fall much fruit to feed men's hungers! 
