No Prison Can Hold a Man when Christ Wants Him Outside!


Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made ...for him. 

- Acts 12:5

What a message today from the Mornings with God App! No prison can hold a man when Christ wants him outside! This is so true! Even now, we see so much political persecution, so many setups, so many evil slaves for Satan doing so much bad in this world. Mostly, elected, the governments, and powers that be. They have become so evil and deceptive, they don't even hide their deception anymore, it is all so out in the open and blatant. It is sad to see. God uses each person. He is using us, all of us to do His work, we need to give Him the glory. He is showing us, revealing, like talked about in Revelation, the truth of man and Satan and what goes on. All we can do today is put all our trust in God alone, give Him all the glory, follow Jesus, reflect Him, and put all your trust in Him. We can see the truth and the slaves at work doing so much evil. 

The Mornings With God App today said, "Some of His followers Christ wants to witness for Him by dying for Him. The ministry of James was short. It seems strange to us that he was not spared to live longer, to tell others of his Master. But he did the work which had been given him to do. Others Christ wants to serve Him by living long for Him. Peter was delivered from Herod’s hands that he might continue to preach and be a blessing to many. No prison can hold a man when Christ wants him outside. Gates count for nothing when God proposes to open them. It was prayer that opened Peter’s prison. The Christians met together and besought God for Peter’s release. Their prayer was heard, and, while they were still pleading, Peter knocked at the door. Sometimes the answers to our prayers surprise us. Peter’s friends could not believe it was him at the door, though they had been praying all night for his deliverance."

God will deliver all of us, when we do His will, obey His Commandments, follow the teachings of Jesus, when we work for Him and show what is right, to be upright, holy, and righteous, be people of goodwill. We need to follow Jesus, reflect Him, and put all our trust in the Lord, He is our Redeemer and Savior! We just need to stay in constant prayer at all times. I know I do. God has done so much for me. I just ask Him to use me to be his disciple and do His will be done. I try to do this blog as part of my discipleship for God, showing the truth about Jesus and our conversion from sin and evil, to reflect and follow Jesus in our lives, to make getting into Heaven our number one priority and to help others come too. If God can work this miracle for Peter through prayer, look what He can do for all of us! Look what He has done already! We must stay in constant prayer, we must stay hopeful, believe and trust in the Lord! That is all we can do in such dark times of evil and wickedness. Give God all the glory knowing He will not incarcerate us when Christ wants us on the outside!  Nothing is impossible when we pray to God! Give Him the glory! 
