The Secret to Life is to Live in Spirit Which is the Real Miracle of Life!


The secret of life is to live in Spirit which is the real miracle of life! Today most people live for this world. They get consumed by the material and carnal desires and day to day of this Earth world. A world where Satan is the god of and he wants our souls, he wants us to be his slaves, to live for things here, a life of death and darkness. We have a choice, we can live for and be all consumed by things of this world, or we can chose to live in Spirit, with God within, Jesus in us, we can live for the Spirit world of Heaven and eternity in Christ there. All we do here is for getting to Heaven. Living an upright, holy, saintly life, being people of goodwill, following God's 10 Commandments, the teachings of Jesus and following the calling God has for us, not that of Satan and things of this world. We need to abandon all to God, accepting His will be done. You see so many, being busybodies, worrying about and judging others, thinking about how someone keeps their lawn, cuts their grass, paints their house, or anything of this world. So many today have to fit in so need tattoos, iPhone, being on certain social media, or follow certain people or trends, all of this world.  Many today stray from the Bible, Jesus, God, religion, or following what is really important, to put their careers, selves, or titles above others, gaining power, money, and fame, yet sell their souls and countries out to the devil. It is sad to see, we have it all wrong. We need to abandon to God, live in Spirit, and focus on Heaven, our number one priority in life, to spend eternity with Jesus in His glory in Heaven!  We can have a miraculous life when we live in Spirit! 


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