This Life We are Given is Not for the Body, But for Our Soul!


As humans and people of God, many of us have chosen to distance ourselves from God and religion. We live a life of the body, things of this world, carnal, and Earthly desires, we do not live in Spirit, we do not live for our souls! Souls God gave us! We are called by God to live for our soul! Unfortunately, many reject this and God, they try to live in body only, living without God, not following His Commandments, ways and teachings of His son Jesus, following the example Jesus gave us, not being people of goodwill, sinning and doing so much selfish and greedy actions that hurt ourselves, others, and this world we live in. We need to train ourselves to live in Spirit, live for our soul, not sell it out to China, gold bars, millions, the devil, or become slaves for Satan and things of this world like it seems so many have today, especially our elected and powers that be. It is hard, but we are called by God for something much higher than things of our body! Our soul needs to be nourished with Jesus Christ! A life well lived, is lived for our souls! We must be soul focused! 
